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The Lambertville Oak is gone

This piece is an attempt to express my anger and disgust over the removal of a 150 year old majestic oak tree for the turn lane by a Burger King.

There is a pine tree on a rocky bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean near Carmel California. People come from all over the world to take it's picture and to experience the presence of such a beautiful living thing. They return home with place mats, pillows and picture postcards adorned with it's image.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

In the District of Columbia, there are more than 100,000 street trees. The arborist's mandate is to nurture, protect and preserve these trees, sometimes going to great lengths to reroute sewer, water and gas lines so as not to disturb the trees.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

The crown jewels of the National Arboretum collection are bonsai trees,. Some are several hundred years old.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

Recently, scientists excitedly unearthed the fossil remains of the oldest known tree on earth. It dates from 350 million years ago.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

The Lambertville Oak is gone.

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Jeff Adkins
Jeff Adkins
Feb 07, 2021

That is absolutely the perfect image. Gone but not forgotten.


Jeff Adkins
Jeff Adkins
Feb 07, 2021

I can feel the anger and the loss, really needs picture. I searched the internet, no luck. Anything in local papers old files, maybe a headline or a quote.

The story is a loos to us all.

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